Every man who cares about the quality of their sex life should have a clear idea of the ideal penis. Desires for details may vary, but large size remains a priority, perhaps for everyone. The small length and perimeter of masculinity is a serious reason for the complexities and obsessive thoughts of enlarging the penis at home. Why at home? Such intimate problems are not usually disclosed, and if it can be solved alone, without the involvement of a third party, why not give it a try?
Enlarging your penis at home is a reality or a myth
A little dick doesn’t satisfy everyone, and this problem shouldn’t just be seen as an "inability to use". You shouldn’t ask anyone how to enlarge their penis at home - most skeptics about such businesses. However, skepticism is futile - scientific advances are leading to the emergence of increasingly effective methods and techniques for penis enlargement at home. There is virtually no muscle tissue in the penis and it "works" on a hydraulic basis. The ability to stretch under pressure and change volume creates an opportunity to lengthen the penis.

It is rumored that after just 2 months of satisfaction, a very narrow opening can reduce the male genitalia. Such a statement is hardly true, but the increase in size is definitely not a myth. Systematic implementation of targeted actions, especially special exercises, effective tools, and proven tools, will soon allow you to answer the question of whether it is possible to enlarge your penis at home. And that answer will be yes, but only with the right approach.
Folk remedies
There are plenty of articles on the internet on how to enlarge your penis at home with folk remedies and methods. However, the effectiveness of alternative medicine is questionable, although a review of some men who opted for "grandfather" experiments indicates a positive result.
Some make baths with soda and honey, others make baths with soda solution and soda eraser. Soda can also be taken orally. Efficacy has not been demonstrated and is highly questionable.
Herbal decoctions
An empty decoction is used, garlic tincture (200 g of garlic for 250 ml of good quality alcohol) and thyme infusion (100 g for 300 ml of boiling water) can also be prepared.
Herbal remedies
One of the most famous folk methods is to rub the genitals with aloe juice squeezed from "adult" leaves (to be cut at the roots). An alternative is horse chestnut tincture, which you can make yourself or buy at a regular pharmacy. Ginseng root, ginkgo leaves and hawthorninfusions of the fruit are also on the list of non-traditional "medicines".
In the case of folk remedies, he acts at his own expense and risk. With the various methods of penis enlargement at home, a man needs to understand that the methods that really work need to be confirmed and proven scientifically.
Creams, gels, pills
Special gels, creams, sprays, pills and supplements for male growth are of dubious effectiveness and affect the quality of a man’s sexual life rather than the length of his "device. " Penis extension can only be achieved naturally by stimulating tissue growth and cell division.
Therefore, such drugs and medicines will only be effective if they are used "in pairs" with other methods that really give results, which is confirmed by scientific research and the real experience of men.
Jelqing exercises
The method of extending the penis with jelqing came to us from the Middle East. Few know, but in reality it is an old Arabic technique that is like milking manipulation of the genitals. Distinguish between dry, wet jelq and pressing. In all cases, the male organ is stretched by hand.
There are many variations of such practices, but there are no "secret" formulas or universal programs. You must individually select a program and stop the one that works for you. The body's response to different loads is the main guideline.
Initially, it is worth dealing with jelq in a semi-erection, and then increase the intensity of the hours due to the erectile condition. Educate yourself on self-discipline, do regular exercises like this, and watch for slow growth.
Here's how the whole process goes:
- Treat your skin with a lubricant (relevant for beginners);
- Then create a ring with your index finger and thumb at the bottom;
- Hold your penis tightly with an OK grip;
- Squeeze the stem of the penis and fold the blood towards the head;
- When the hand reaches the head, with the other hand we will catch an OK at the base. The first hand reaches the head - he releases, the second begins to move.
An approach takes about 10 minutes and consists of about 250 iterations. In general, the lessons last for about 40 minutes a day, and this time includes not only other but also more exercises for a more varied load. The growth is not immediately noticeable, so you need to be prepared to work hard on yourself for many months and even years.
How to increase penis at home without pain using jelq? To avoid pain and injury, keep a moderate pace and rhythm, starting with wet jelqing. After 6-8 weeks of regular training, it is worth building an erection by about 50-70% for new activities. The jelqing fits well for stretching.
Let's look at some more jelq techniques.
It means an effect on the head. We connect the pointer and the thumb and slowly direct the blood to the head, where you have to hold your hand for about ten seconds.
inverted sign
Hold the organ at the base with one hand and around the head with the other. The erect organ is then extended to the base. And so 30 reps.
In addition to extending your "tool", you can observe the following improvements by implementing various practical techniques:
- Better blood circulation in the penis;
- Stronger and better erections;
- Elimination of premature ejaculation;
- Increasing sexual stamina;
- Better erection control.
Forums and blogs write about how to increase the length of your penis by up to 5 centimeters and up to 3 volumes at home: "Performing various jelq techniques and intimate massage requires systematic and discipline. "Of course, these values are individual in nature, and there are record numbers here (perhaps overestimated - men like to exaggerate). But at least daily long-term massage contributes to a significant improvement in a man's sex life.
All manipulations are performed by hand only. Your goal is systematic movements, starting with slow efforts. The painful reaction of the penis only occurs with incorrect, overly intense tension.
Jai Stretch - pulls the penis forward for 2 seconds (stretches the upper garter of the penis and the muscles of the PC), suggesting alternating relaxation for 2 seconds. 20 repetitions are performed, the level of erection is 0-40%. Training time - about 5 minutes or a certain number of approaches. On topics related to enlarging the penis through home stretching, the forum suggested that the technique be combined with breathing exercises.
The main complex (A, V, and inverse V-stretch) consists of grasping the axis of the penis in any area (but not in the head), gently stretching it forward while holding the stretched position for half a minute. Restoration of blood flow occurs due to the patting of the penis on the leg. Stretch the penis in different directions for 30 seconds.
As with other exercises and massage techniques, there is a slight increase in genitals during months of training. There are several positive changes in men’s sex lives.
Suspension of the load on the male organ has a tangible effect compared to manual practices and techniques, but on the other hand, there is a possibility of penile injury. Do not overload, pay attention to the latch on the head - it should not be traumatic. Under no circumstances should the short wearing period be compensated by increased loads.
There are specially designed factory suspension models - hangers with a useful weight of about 1, 25 kg and a vacuum holder. Their experts recommend hanging. The head is captured by a comfortable camera, all risks are reduced to almost zero.
water pump
Another way to enlarge your penis at home is without the use of creams, manual operations and operations. Their main goal is to get a good erection, but it should not be forgotten that keeping the penis in a vacuum for a long time leads to skin damage and severe swelling.
Hydraulic pumps, unlike conventional pumps, do not allow the skin to come into contact with the vacuum and therefore lead to increased and longer elongation of the tissues. Warm water perfectly warms the tissues and contributes to their better elasticity. The hydropump can give a temporary result (allowing a 10-15% increase in the penis just before sex) or fix it when used as a supplement to the extender.
Using a hydropump alone will slightly increase the circumference and length of your penis, and the first results (with 20 minutes of daily exercise) will only be noticeable after 3-4 months. Possible side or negative consequences.
The home method of extending the male genitalia, the effectiveness of which has been proven in several studies, is the use of an extender. In addition to enlarging the penis, such a device allows the curvature to be corrected. When you wear the extension for several hours, the tissues of the penis lengthen and grow, getting rid of tension. Therefore, using an extension cord allows men to get a few inches plus for the rest of their lives.
What results are expected? It depends directly on the characteristics of the body, the regularity and the total wearing time. Over the past 10 years, a number of studies have been conducted that have demonstrated the effectiveness of using extenders.
The aim of the 2008 study was to look at the effect of traction - stretching the penis with an extender - on the process of treating Peyronie’s disease. For 6 months, the result was obtained in the form of a 33 ° straightening, and the examination showed that the length of the penis increased by 1–2. 5 cm and the circumference by 0–1–1 cm.
Stretching with a 5-hour puller for 6 months showed a 27-31 ° straightening of the penis and an extension of 1. 7 cm. After 12 months from the start of the study, it was found that the results were retained and recorded.
Its effectiveness is confirmed by the results of 11 studies in which the growth of the male genitalia was confirmed using extenders.
Patients used the extender for 4 to 6 hours per day for the first two weeks. Thereafter, and by the end of the 3rd month, the daily wearing time was 9 hours. The length of the penis could be increased by an average of 1. 7 cm.
The 2019 study is the largest study to date. The number of subjects was 93 and the duration was 12 weeks. The straightening averaged 31, 2 ° and the elongation was 1. 8 cm (maximum result was 3 cm).
After 6-8 months of active use of the expander, you can access:
- Length increase;
- thickening of the penis (increase in circle size);
- Increased libido;
- Prolongation of sexual intercourse.
When using strapped devices, the foreskin also enlarges (can be extended if necessary).
How to enlarge your penis at home with an extension cord if you have never resorted to such methods? First, it’s important to go through a load adjustment program. During the first month and a half, the daily wearing time should be increased from one hour to six hours and the tensioning force from 200 g to 1150 g. The first stages can not be forced, but you can use a stretcher or a hanger (suspension).
One cycle of wearing an extension cord should last at least 60 minutes, but no more than 3 hours, after which there should be a break to restore blood circulation. For good results, the total wearing time should be 6 hours per day and the cycles should not be long, but the more approaches, the better (one set - up to 3 hours). Rare jumps are allowed, although daily training is recommended.
Why is it possible and safe to enlarge a penis with a home extension? The use of an extender differs from many other techniques that can be used without leaving home in that it does not fall within the scope of pseudoscience or traditional medicine. The effectiveness of this method is not proven by the opinions of forum members or bloggers, but by real studies involving thousands of men. Using such a device does not lead to complications, does not damage blood vessels, and can be quite comfortable and painless if, of course, you choose the "right" extension cord. , which can give real results instead of unrealistic expectations. The point is to make sure there are no individual contraindications.
The result is which method is more reliable
By using gels, creams, special foods, dietary supplements, and pills, you can stimulate blood flow, improve erections, prolong intimate intercourse, and generally have better self-control during sex. Such penis enlargement methods at home create conditions for growth rather than stimulate it.
You can count on special exercises, complex types of massage, regular jelqing and hanging to increase the length and circumference of your penis, but rather slowly.
But how to enlarge the penis at home and achieve a stable result without negative consequences? Experts and andrologists strongly recommend the use of high-quality stretchers paired with stretchers and the supplementation and consolidation of the result using pumps and hydraulic pumps as aids. And only in extreme cases should surgery be used.